PT. Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) atau dulu dikenal sebagai PT. Koneba (Persero) didirikan pada tahun 1987, adalah badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dalam bidang konservasi dan manajemen energi.
Dari tahun ke tahun kami banyak membantu pihak pemerintah, BUMN dan swasta dalam kegiatan manajemen risiko, audit energi, tes commissioning, inspeksi energi dan labelling, konsultansi teknis, studi energi dan lingkungan.
Pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha kami dilakukan oleh tenaga-tenaga terlatih yang profesional di bidangnya serta didukung peralatan-peralatan yang memadai sesuai kebutuhan. Akumulasi pengalaman kami di berbagai sektor di masyarakat dan di industri banyak memberikan nilai tambah dalam implementasi usaha kami melaksanakan tugas-tugas studi, konservasi, manajemen dan diversifikasi energi.
* Confer with traders to identify and communicate risks associated with specific trading strategies and positions.
* Identify and analyze areas of potential risk to the assets, earning capacity, or success of organizations.
* Identify key risks and mitigating factors of potential investments, such as asset types and values, legal and ownership structures, professional reputations, customer bases, or industry segments.
* Conduct statistical analyses to quantify risk, using statistical analysis software and econometric models.
* Document, and ensure communication of, key risks.
* Devise systems and processes to monitor validity of risk modeling outputs.
* Develop and implement risk-assessment models and methodologies.
* Gather risk-related data from internal or external resources.
* Plan, and contribute to development of, risk management systems.
* Produce reports and presentations that outline findings, explain risk positions, and recommend changes.
Provide personal administrative support to management and the company through conducting and organizing administrative duties and activities including receiving and handling information.
* prepare and manage correspondence, reports and documents
* organize and coordinate meetings, conferences, travel arrangements
* take,type and distribute minutes of meetings
* implement and maintain office systems
* maintain schedules and calendars
* arrange and confirm appointments
* organize internal and external events
* handle incoming mail and other material
* set up and maintain filing systems
* set up work procedures
* collate information
* maintain databases
* communicate verbally and in writing to answer inquiries and provide information
* liaison with internal and external contacts
* coordinate the flow of information both internally and externally
* operate office equipment
* manage office space
Online Application:
Risk Management Specialist