PT. Pertamina Training and Consulting (PTC) is a subsidiary of PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), focused on the development of human resource competency in Oil and Gas business by training and consulting services as well as giving business solution. Our commitment to be a positive influencer reflected in the logo with oil drop and waves which means the benefit of our services is unlimited. Supported by professional experts, as well as local and world wide networks, PTC is ready to support Human Resource Development and provide excellence business solutions for its clients.
* Male
* Minimal D3 prioritized Education Department
* Minimum GPA 2.75
* Age between 20 – 35 years
* Having a SIM A and SIM C
* Having a Motor Vehicle
* Mastering English
* Mastering Computers
* Physical and Spiritual Health
* Be Good personality, honest, Skilled and Ability to Maintain Company Confidential
* Prioritized Derived From Local Area Domicile
* Contract Status
Available Work Location:
Medan, Aceh, Riau mainland and the Riau Islands, Padang, Palembang, Jambi, Bengkulu, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, Jakarta, Banten, Sumedang, Cirebon, Sampang Pontianak, Jakarta, Pamekasan & Sumenep, Situbondo, Bondowoso, Banyuwangi Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi, Ponorogo, Pacitan, West Lombok, Lombok and East Lombok center, Bima, Sumbawa, Dompu, West Sumbawa, Bima, Ende, Ngada, Manggarai, West Manggarai Nagekeo, East Manggarai, West Sumba, West Sumba power, Central Sumba and East Sumba, Kupang, Timor Tengah Selatan, Timor Tengah Utara, Frozen, Alor, Lembata, Flores Ndao Rote and Sabu Raijua Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Manado, Gorontalo, Palu, Makassar, Kendari and Mamuju.
For those of you who qualify, please send a cover letter, CV and job location via email to: pertamina_tc@yahoo.com
Email subject should be Checker [space] [desired location], i.e. Checker Medan.